Me: We have a skype coming in from my twin brother the Dude.
The Dude: Hey bro, I understand you will be talking about the stereochemistry of alkene addition today. Woah. Heavy subject man! I hope the class is ready. When two new chiral centers are produced in an alkene reaction, your students are going to need to work through each example on a case by case basis. No shortcuts here bro, have to follow the case by case program. Here it is: step one: follow the regiochemistry rules to predict the correct constitutional isomer. It might be Markovnikov or non-Markovnikov, each student must have it down for each reaction mechanism. Step two and this is the hard one: Then apply the anti, syn, or mixed geometry of addition based on the mechanism. Remember alkenes are flat and you have to consider an initial attack on both faces with equal probability before thinking about anti, syn or mixed. A lot to consider man!! So, remember step one: get the regiochemistry correct. Step two: Apply the anti, syn or mixed geometry of attack, remembering alkenes are flat. You get this and you can ride the OChem wave like me! Cowabromide! Peace out from here.
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